
Your biggest fan...

Well he did it...he joined the National Guard. He has been with the guard for a month now and in that month he has been to 2 drill weekends already. One of them being this weekend. I miss him but it's nice to have my own time. When he was going to school I always had a couple nights of the week to myself and that is how I started Scrapbooking :)
I am so proud of him. When he got out of the Army 7 years ago he didn't think he would ever look back. For 7 years I heard his thoughts of wanting to re-enlist...well this is our compromise. No I don't know if this is the right choice for our family but I know that this is what's in his heart. I support my husband 1000% and I truly believe that everything in life happens for a reason. I will walk this journey beside him the whole way. Babe...I am your biggest fan and you make me proud to be your wife.